Sunday, May 11, 2008


We spent all day on wheels today, only it was 4 wheels and in a car. 12 hours of driving from Salt Lake City to Portland. The wind was howling all the way, but from the west so maybe a good omen. 3 fillups on gas, at 3.69/per gallon. When you factor in the cost of the car, it may have been cheaper to fly. Tomorrow we have a ride arranged to the coast, about 1.5 hrs away. Thanks to Bob for arranging, and his cousin Manson for driving us. Hopefully we'll be on the road by about noon, plannning to ride about 40 miles from Tillamook to Lincoln City along the Oregon coast. Check tomorrow's post to see if the plan went well. Weather is cold here, windy and humid, the last part of the drive along the Columbia River Gorge is beautiful. We are staying next to the airport, getting a good deal on the room from Carrie. I'll include prices as we go just for historical interest. We called Lisa in the hospital and she is fine except broken up. Gets out on Tues or Wednesday. Staying next to this airport is giving me nightmares. Until tomorrow.


Unknown said...

Okay, so if this is called Tour de Homerpearl then you MUST be riding the 'Beasty Bike'. Course thats just me. Good thing your way west of us....its supposed to rain and snow once again!

Anonymous said...

Was this Lisa Williams that had the accident or another Lisa?! Poor Lisa, nontheless!
For a name OB-Ike, OB or OBi for short, Orange Crush, Orange Crunch, OC for short, I like Beasty Bike, BB for short or even OBB? Ok, enough. I sure hope the weather cooperates for you all, especially the wind (unless of course its a tail wind). I wondered about your supplies! You guys are amazing! Love your entries and pics!

Anonymous said...

whoops, my signature for the last entry! Leslie