We decided on a 38 mile day today, because the next town with a motel is too far away to make. So we left Fairfield at 9:30 after a breakfast at the Sawtooth Cafe, another farmer magnet. They were there with me at 7 when it opened, and still there when we rode out of town. So were their pickups. We met two other cyclists on the road, actually we caught them!, and stopped to talk. The dude had done another trip from Alaska to Florida a few years back and the lady was on her first touring trip. They were going to South Dakota and doing it the hard way, camping out with cook stove and tent. But they were also about 30 years younger than we are, and we tried to educate them on the advantages of a shower and warm bed.
It was a flat ride and we arrived in Hailey at 1pm. It's the home of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore. At a rest stop along the way I saw A few good men, and since they were driving a moving van I made them an indecent proposal, and asked for a ride in the back to Casper. They had a sixth sense that I was kidding. The town is very quaint, no striptease joints, kind of touristy actually. We stopped at a brew pub to get a porter, and the waitress looked like one of Charlie's Angels,and when Danica Patrick got wreck in the Indy 500 she looked like she had seen a Ghost. Our hotel, the Wood River inn, has a working hot tub, when I heard that I thought the Apocalypse had come. The lobby has a lot of Pulp Fiction to read, and Die Hard is playing at the theater. We plan to leave early tomorrow, after the free breakfast, and ride about 75 miles to Arco. Gotta get out of this town before Ashton shows up.
If you are ever in Fairfield you should stay at the Prairie Inn, Dan and Mona are two really nice folks and they run their hotel like a BandB. They really make you feel welcome and have all sorts of extra touches.
Hailey is a pretty town,it reminds me of Carbondale. Kinda quiet here, I think it is not quite summer season yet.It is only 14 miles down valley from Ketchum and Sun valley so we are getting some of the resort type prices here and there.
Love to my sisters Amy and Lisa
Great pictures!! It looks beautiful. I love to see pics of you guys too. Honestly, it's pretty comforting to see other humans too (THEY are crazy. You guys are practically royalty with your accomodations!).
Laura and Larry, What a hoot your adventure has been so far. laura you're an angel. I would have had my cranky pants on in the hail storm and in the big mountain climb. I guess the motels at the end of the day help out. How cool for you guys, a most excellent adventure. Larry you are a very good writer . You should publish this when you're done. Love you guys, Chris and Tammy
Hi Larry and Laura!
It's fun to follow your adventures. Glad you're enjoying the small town experiences. A lot of nice people in those towns. Sorry you couldn't manage the ride to Casper. Sure would have made the trip a lot quicker. I also enjoyed your "stats" - especially the 0 Divorce attorneys. Way to go! I'm sure that stat will stay at zero the entire trip.
Keep enjoying.
Susan S.
Larry and Laura you are too clever. The post using all the movie titles is hilarious. Be safe!
dude, where's my parents
Hi, Larry and Laura! Missed you here at work today, Larry. We earned our double pay today; several of us going over 2 1/2 hours on position. I think most of us only worked three different sessions because they were all near or over 2 hours. Wish I was out there with you guys enjoying the fresh air, even if it is hail and spitting rain. I feel like I got spit on today anyway. Keep the info. coming! Glad to hear that you two can always find the humor in the tough times too. Take care and have fun! Michelle H.
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