Mother nature won today. We did get our free breakfast, waffles and all, then left Hailey, without running into Demi, at 8:20. Things went fine and we even took the raincoats off for awhile, until we hit a big, unexpected hill climbing up to the Craters of the Moon national monument. The wind hit us in the face, and we inched our way up in the easiest gear we had, trying to stay on a wobbling bike at 3mph. Arriving at the visitor center in a rain, we wolfed down our stolen bagels with peanut butter(we disregarded the sign at the buffet that said do not take food), and spent about an hour warming up. It started raining right then, but that was just a preliminary to the wind later. As we hit the flat parts, it became the ride that a tornado chaser would run from. Smack in our face, at about 25mph, with gusts that knocked us sideways. Big O was starting to resemble a sail. At one point, a giant hay truck went by the other way and it felt like we had been hit with a fly swatter. With pieces of hay for missiles. There was a 5 mile straightaway that took us over an hour to get past, an airport went by, with no airplanes landing or taking off. Duh. The wind sock was as erect as it could get. Then there is this square mile of desert they call Arco. It was the very first town in the country to be powered by the atom. They hooked up nuclear power and turned it on. Too bad it didn't blow up. We weren't in a great mood when we got here, but Chernobyl had it better. They've got so much graffiti on the mountain above that it looks like there's a gang war. Totally covered, and gross. The wind blows, it's cold. The motel room is nice, and the owner who is a really nice gal, introduced us to her newly adopted daughter, Angelica, from Khazakstan. The girl is only 4, so she obviously didn't have a choice of locations in America. She'd still be Khazakstan if she had any idea. One final insult, the diner we ate dinner had an overweight, slovenly, unwashed waitress who brought out my beer, couldn't get it open with her meathooks, so she used the front of her grease stained shirt to open the screwtop. I drank it anyway.
Things are looking up, we are sitting here drinking beer and eating chocolate, and plan to ride 70 miles tomorrow to Idaho Falls. And the wind will be at our back to even things up.
"may the wind be ever at you're back" please please send this sentiment out to us in doubles! It was like moving through molasses. Poor Lar has it worse than me, I just put my head down and pedal like hell. The hay truck scared me though-didn't see it coming. I really can't see ahead of us at all unless I crane my neck over Larry's shoulder. The hay smelled wonderful though-the scent was everywhere yesterday when we passed fields that they were cutting.
Are you DLOs riding?
Lisa and I are sitting at the kitchen table enjoying an artichoke heart and a margerita and cackling away at the priceless visual of you two being smacked by a fly swatter. Hey Laura, most flies don't know it's coming either! WHACK! We also laughed at the ineffectiveness of waitress meathooks. It's a good thing beer is self-sterilizing! Can't wait to read more...
Why are you stoker? Where did it come from? Is this a left over Harley name you picked up at the last biker rally?
Hey guys. I'm finally caught up on the adventure. Yikes, you guys are nuts is what I have to say. Hans and I would not be married today w/ this kind of trip on record. You are amazing. It sure makes for good reading. Great stories for future generations. What's wrong w/ Ashton? Yes, I think your helmet was crooked, or was that your head from all the wind? LOve to you both. Susan and Hans.
It is me again. Just wanted to mention the milestone of TWO WEEKS out on the road. That kid we met yesterday said it takes two weeks to settle in to a cross country trip (he was the one that rode from Alaska to Florida)and i think we are really getting there. Larry really has the hang of maneuvering the Big O now and has actually realized that what we are doing is bike TOURING. He is stretching right now and requesting a massage on the sore fanny.
Well, if this doesn't prove that Laura is a saint of all saints, I'm not sure what will. She's still talking about the amazing smell of hay after a BRUTAL day on the Big O. A better woman than I will ever be. You best believe I would have called the National Guard to come rescue me!
And Larry, well, you're lucky to have her and...yeah, you're pretty great too, even if your helmet is crooked (Susan, thanks for the confirmation!) :-)
Larry....I love the blue tights. I'm on my way to a dance studio to pick some up for myself. Sounds like wind and rain can be a problem from time to time. Keep making those great 'country' stops.
wow, arco sounds delightful.
great pics mom, i like the one with the craters sign. didn't we go through there on a road trip a long time ago?
Larry, your face is crazy red. I'd be looking into that SPF 90. Hopefully the gods will re-assess the torture of the wind in your face. Last time I checked, isn't the predominate wind pattern west to east!?! Sounds like you guys are settling in nicely though. What a couple troopers. You might want to plan an extra day in Idaho Falls. I spent a few days there years ago - we had some distant relative living there. It's really a nice little place reminiscent of Grand Lake (although I now that I think about it, I'm thinking of McCall - oops). Keep those positive attitudes. I'll give you a call in the next night or two.
So cool how everything is working out! The stats upgrade was fantastic, not to mention the map. I suspected that Tim would get it up sooner than later -- great addition.
Gosh, what patience you guys have. It must be rewarding to get to the hotel and eat dinner at the end of the day! Sounds like they are treating you pretty well.
Too bad we haven't been able to get in touch by phone very often... We need to come up with some sort of system! Keeping up with your adventure through the blog, though, is great.
Yeah, Dee, I think that we can certify that crooked helmet. You have a third witness! Talk to all soon, Nic
Nice touch with adding the map so we don't have to thumb through the road atlas to see where you guys are at. Hope you're pedaling fast enough to make it to your retirement party up at Lake McConahey, NE
- Shane (from the Tracon, aka DS)
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