The ass is improving. I can finally sit down to sh__. And starting to look like J'Los'. But a different color. Anyway, today was 50 miles from Suttle Lake to Prineville, Oregon. No passes, just hot. 97 when we got to town. So we went to the bike shop and had the mechanic adjust the shifting, we'll see tomorrow what kind of mechanic he is. Then checked into the City Center Motel, of course in the center of the city, only it's a small town like Glenwood Springs maybe. Hot water on demand, which I needed to shave the old legs, which are looking like Foghorn Leghorn's, only burned. The shorts I ride in blow up around my waist, and that area is lily white. Or was. We stopped for lunch in Redmond, at an all you can eat salad and pizza and everything else place. As anyone knows who has ever gone to an all you can eat place with me when I'm starving (Dora), I can get my money's worth. So I embarrassed Laura, and did myself proud. We make quite a scene when we pull up on Big O, so all the staff always wants to know everything. We get offers of maps, more local advice than we can use, and try to ask about stories of the local area. After lunch, we stopped for water at a house along the way, and spent about 30 min. talking to the O'Learys, who have been married 66 years. They brought us in the house and talked the way old folks can. We're getting alot of pleasure on this trip talking to the locals, who of course think we're nuts. Bone crusher, I want lessons on the crutches when I get back, we both need some upper body work, riding this recumbent doesn't do much for it. I'll probably try the Ipod tomorrow, maybe with just one ear in-but what about the stereo? Laura is holding up well, hip better, and she isn't whining at all about the stifling heat and long road miles. She does mention having to listen to me as painful. I'm sure you all understand after reading these posts. Next blog from down the road tomorrow, hopefully from Mitchell. Adios.
Pics are lame so far, we are still working out bugs in the laptop. One is Ocean from stoker's seat, one rain forest, Moab, and bike in the ditch along the narrow road. Not us.
We hope to get a handle on the pics but for sure we will put the first part together and put captions and post to our web gallery when we hit Denver. Surely we will be able to figure this out eventually. Today we took it easy and didn't even leave till 10:30 this am.It was a scorcher today and is supposed to be even hotter tomorrow so we are outta here early. The country today reminds me a bit of Colo. It is much drier over on this side of the Cascades. We ha a picnic dinner in the park this evening and it was lovely, you know those balmy high summer nights...The park we were in is next to the motel and has a wonderful memorial to lost firefighters. It includes those that were lost at Storm King Mountain. 9 0f them were actually from Prineville.
Lots of sunscreen tomorrow, see ya
Oh,one more thing, it SMELLS fabulous here,all piney and fresh. I am sitting here with the door open and the scent is wafting in....all day on the ride too and yesterday too.
Dora, the most I have seen gas for is $3.85 and most stations are about $3.79.
The most we have paid for a room was $100 and that was the little cabin at Suttle Lake resort-no running water-bath house. This place is $45 and it is a very nice small town motel.
Jim Hopkin from SLC, I work with brother Tim. I get a kick reading your blog and trying to guess your next few stops using Goggle Earth. What has been your top speed on your descents? May the wind always be at your back.
You go kids. The blog has become part of my morning routine as I sip on coffee, check email and get my day rolling. I guess since Larry's complaining less about the control issue (and I guess a little more about the sore arss), I don't need to worry about you guys driving off the road somewhere. I'd definitely be plugging the ipod in Newlin - who cares about stereo. Looks like you guys are making pretty good time. Never thought I'd hear hot showers being such a hot commodity.
Keep pluggin
Hey guys got to get the blogs in before the workweek starts because work takes it all up....Loving your blogs it is fun to read. It seems like you guys are having a great time. Just so you know it's not only the locals that think your nuts...Hee Hee. Lawrence, I'm putting up your retirement flyers at some point this week, I'll forward the attachement to you so you can forward it to whoever you want. Larry your butt would have to get 4x it's size to qualify for a JLo's butt. Keep on pedaling, and Be Safe!
Hello Newwwlinns! Bonecrusher returns to COS tomorrow. You guys seem to be making phenominal progress. Probably Laura pulling most of the load. Be safe!
Harry and Cyndy stopped by and will start following the trip.
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