We made it to Corvallis today, home of the Oregon State Beavers. Left Newport at about 10, arrived in Corvallis at around 4. Very green, logs and trucks everywhere. I'm still pretty uneasy on the bike, so nervewracking for me. Laura is in bliss on the back. Eating, drinking and being merry. All while pedaling. Big hills, some shifting problems and one flat tire. Had to change it on the road, which wasn't bad really. Laura's hip is a real bother, couldn't hardly walk to dinner, so we'll have to see how that develops. Breakfast by the ocean at a place in Newport was great, and all the bike shop people we've talked to have been really helpful.
For the map, we took highway 20 from the coast to Corvallis, 54 miles. Tomorrow we are going to try to get to Vida, to stage the big day over the cascade range the next day. Oh yeah, the super 8 we're in still doesn't have hot water, the plumber is in the building trying to fix it but as of yet no shower or hot tub. Dinner was great at a hippie type place with veggie food.it is called Nearly Normal and if you are ever in Corvallis you should stop there. great people too. We, or maybe just me, have had a few moments of what have we got ourselves into,mostly because of uneasiness on the road. Pics are of the tire change and two you have already seen cause I can't figure out the picture thing still.
Bed without a shower. Goodnight.
Hang in there. Two days does not make a trip. Unc Tim.
Larry & Laura,
Glad to hear that you are on your way. Sorry about the hip issue, and the flat. Hope the big climb up the mountains goes well. We are thinking of you both. See you when you come through CO.
Aloha, Chris & Tammy(FK)
It's an adventure! You guys are going to be great; and if anyone can do it, it's YOU! I'm so proud to call you my in laws. Keep on plugging!
HI guys
Sorry to hear that your hip is still bothering you Laura. I recommend getting a massage daily. You are doing great, and the weather is going to improve. Be safe.
Hey you two! I'm so very proud of you!!! No question that you'll get the hang of it before long. No hot water or hot tub at the Super 8 however would have been terribly disappointing - hope they finally hooked you up! Laura, hope your hip feels better soon - I'm having a few sympathy pains for you! Watch out for Ranger Rick along the way, seems like he said something about wanting to meet you for coffee along the way. Creepy, creepy, creepy!
Love you both! You're my inspiration!
Hi Larry & Laura!! Sounds like Laura needs a massage for her hip!! We've been thinking of you guys--be safe & have fun!!
Tom Cruise & Jan
Laura - Hope your hip is better soon. Makes me wish you had driven on the 3rd day rather than me. Maybe there will be some Hot springs along the route to soak away the pain. Didn't Ranger Rick say he was transferring to the North West? JJ
Keep on spinning, eventually you'll loose the loggers. Road yesterday to Aurora Res, big hills that direction. Maybe I'll get to the point where I like them...hmmm?
Took spinning Monday and tonight will do pilates since I need a rest day. You guys don't get those too much but Laura, you might want a chiropractor periodically mixed into those massages, but its obviously going to be a challange to locate one that's close and available. I'd say change positions but..... 8-(
Mom and I are going to see the Lipizzaner Stallions Sat. Should be fun.
Miss you guys already!
What is going on with your hip????
I wish I could massage it away for you. Keep up the Motrin, double it if you have to. It will help, I promise.
Let me know where to fax your marriott autorization form. You can stay as a sister of an associate and get a room even cheaper!
Helen is great and taking her meds daily. She does not like the wet food though....Im skipping days now to see if that helps. The boys and her are getting along better than I expected! Take care and have Larry streach the hell out of your piraformis. Love, Carrie
Hey Larry and Laura,
Forget the massage Laura, lots of tequila, won't fix it but definitely will take the edge off. Sorry it's bothering you so much! Larry you are a pioneer, "cars schmars" you will get better quickly at the navigation and the shifting. The ORB rocks. Hopefully by day 7 you'll be a little more relaxed and comfortable. Just 2 days and it is already an adventure. As for work "forgetaboutit". It's been hell with the crazy weather here. Thinking of you guys. BE SAFE.
So, there are two Lisa's posting comments...Laura's sister, me, and the Lisa that hangs with JP.
I am fine and dandy however JP's Lisa isn't as lucky. I don't know the story but wish Lisa the best and hope she's back up and kickin soon.
Oh! Laura...Larry....hi!!! Thanks for letting me use your blog to straighten out the injuries amoung us.
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