Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Irwin, Idaho. Has a nice ring to it, no?

Hello...Tim here with an update. I'd try to imitate my dad's style, but it would be futile and I'd hate to flatter him anyway.

Apparently they are off the grid with no internet access. Or maybe they are tiring of their celebrity and I have unwittingly become their publicist. Either way, we didn't want to leave you guys hanging.

They were hoping to get into Wyoming, but ran into a nasty storm as they were coming up on Irwin, right near the border. They still made about 40 miles, and it turned out well in any case. As the storm advanced, they found (read: Laura forced Larry to stop at) a lodge type place with cabins for rent, and as of our conversation they were on the deck enjoying the sunshine and a couple of well-earned beers.

They sounded just peachy, and thankfully I wasn't given any information regarding my Dad's ass or any "butt butter" related updates. So there's your Tour de Homerpearl fix for the day.

P.S. I would be remiss if I didn't plug my lil' bro Nic. He's living and working in Paraguay right now, helping them develop a new national library system. Cool huh! His blog is Nomadic Librarian; he has some cool pics and deep thoughts. (Oh and...his birthday is May 30).


Unknown said...

Hi Larry and Laura:

You are only a few miles from God's country, Wyoming, where the wind always blows--hopefully a tailwind. I thought perhaps you would head north out of Idaho Falls and go through Yellowstone but it looks like you are heading south and going to miss the Park and the Tetons. Let me know your route in Wyoming so I can join you for a little bit.
Larry, I never knew you had such creative writing skills. Perhaps your sore ass is stimulating your mind. Laura, you are a Saint for putting up with Larry through all of this. Tim, good job with today's journal.

Bob&Mary said...

Things are getting a little out of hand when the stinkin publicist has to step in. Wow! This is really quite the grand production. I can hardly wait to see all the credits and hear the end-of-journey speech when this journey ends. Walker - I agree with you, if they've got to peddle through God's country (perhaps you've spent too many decades there), you'd at least expect them to capture the corner that really lives up to that superlative.