It was a glorious Sunday morning. Christine, I thought about those bagels you bring and was really craving one, or two, or three. Instead had coffee and muffins and left at 6:45 for John Day, Oregon. Climbed a 7% grade for 6 miles right out of town, then mostly downhill for 70 miles total to town. Arrived at 2:15 and went straight to Dairy Queen for a banana split. Had an absolutely great ride with a tailwind that felt like a hand pushing me in the back. Maybe that was the stoker. Low speed was 4mph on the hill, for about 1.5 hours, then got up to 32 for awhile on the way down. Bike is running better, I have been tweaking the shifting and it's improving. I'm starting to take a bath in sunscreen in the morning, do they make 80spf? We stopped for breakfast in Dayville, and met Tyra and Missie, operators of a diner. I have sworn to get Nic out here or Tyra out to him. I love freckles, and she has just enough. Is a 35 year age difference any problem? If we really do get a divorce lawyer on the east coast, I need some backups. ( just kidding!) As for pics, I'm trying to get Laura in more-keep after her. We are going to call Colleen and try to stay with her in Boise on Wed and Thurs night. Bonecrusher, welcome home.
We went to a hugely interesting museum about two chinamen in the early days of town, still talking about it. Great tour of their house and business, totally authentic. Tomorrow is about 50 miles, but over two small passes to a little town called Unity. Polygamist I think.
Love all the comments, let me know if these are too long, too boring, or anything else, I'll try to acommodate. Pics are of two strangers, and then in front of a tree full of shoes and boots out on the road. Hasta manana.
Eileen says "Larry, I'm so looking forward to seeing your J-Lo butt in Hawaii. Maybe in a Speedo? Tim says if you keep on biking across the country you'll end up with a Charles Barkley butt. In a Speedo? Let us know when you are perpidencular to SLC and maybe we'll come up to see you guys.
Hey guy. I love the trip log - not too long or boring. Glad to hear that things seem to be going more smoothly. I want to know why Laura isn't complaining about her butt? Does the back rider use different muscles? I still can't believe Lisa broke all those bones - dang, that is a huge bummer.
Who is anonymous on that comment? Laura's butt is in better shape than mine, that's why.
Hi Larry and Laura:
We've enjoyed reading your blog about your adventures. That's quite the bike! Hopefully when you come through Wyoming, the snow will have cleared. I'm still hoping to ride with you, Pam too if she's in town but she's traveling a lot right now. Plan to stay here and we're looking forward to seeing you!
Tom and Pam Walker
Nothin like a little tailwind! Looks like you guys are making pretty good time. Pip (Brian Pippitt) grew up in Boise - if you need a free bed and home made banana split, I'm sure he'll know somebody who ought to be a kick in the pants (that may not be what you need at the moment). Did you get that ipod thing figured out?
Keep pluggin
What is your route from Boise to Wyo?
What an interesting read! Love to hear about all the adventures and people you are meeting on the road -- would like to see them myself but PY is quite a distance from Oregon! Keep on 'cycling and hope that the heat will improve as you continue through the states. Nic
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