The first wasp appeared about sunset. We were sitting on the porch of our primitive little cabin, having a few beers we had bought at the convenience store up the road. With the porch light on, it was a cozy little scene, with the cicadas going strong. A different buzzing sound started, and our attention turned to the wasp buzzing around the light. Laura was starting to get worried about more. When two or three of his buddies joined him, we decided to go inside. That's when the fun began. One of the bees came in the door, and was flying madly around the room. Laura was a little more worried. The bees seemed to want the light, and our light was in the ceiling. I climbed on the bed and took a swat with a magazine, stunning him.. As he lay on the floor getting his wits about him, I stomped and stomped. Crisis over. Five minutes or so later we relaxed, and I uncovered the corpse. Much to our surprise, it was still squirming and flapping it's legs and wings. I stomped like I was making wine from grapes, and it finally died. Crisis over. Five minutes later two more of them were flying around the room. There was a way in somehow, and the wasps knew about it. Laura got really worried. It didn't take long to determine that we were not going to sleep in that cabin, especially after I went out to pee and found about 50 bees swarming around the porch light. We bailed, and walked over to the owners house and explained the situation and that we had to be moved. She was not sympathetic, mentioning at one point that she had been doing this for 32 years and “this is the first time I've ever seen this.” Yeah, us too lady. But she did give us a new cabin and we did not hear any more buzzing.
As this was ferry day, we were at the dock at 10:00. The ride over to Smith Island was pretty from the top of the boat. The Chesapeake Bay is popular with the birds, and you see plenty of gulls and heron type fliers. The island is in Maryland, so at some point on the trip we crossed the state line, a big deal to us, but not to the others on the cruise. They charged us $21 each to get on, plus $12 for the bike, which was supposed to be $6 but since it was a tandem she doubled it. I was outraged like last night with the linens, but what can you do. A swim across with Big O just didn't seem possible. We had a nice relaxing day on the island, which is a sleepy, dare I say boring, place with two restaurants and a cake shop. We visited all of them, had some crab cakes, and a piece of real layer cake. The Smith Island cake is now the official state cake of Maryland. It is a ten layer cake, very tasty. The next ferry left at 4pm, so we paid for this one, a more reasonable $12.50 each. They let us take the bike on for no charge, which was a shock. Maneuvering Big O around the ramps to get on and off the boats was interesting, and took help from 3 or 4 people. What a conversation starter. After a 60 minute ride, we arrived in Crisfield, Md. We are now in a motel we found right next to the harbor called the Captain Tyler.
We've been reminiscing over dinner about the summer now that it is coming to an end, The sun set tonight before 8, and there was a slight chill in the air. Coming up with goods and bads is hard, just because the bads always fade. Here is an attempt.
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