Ever been as nervous as a virgin on his honeymoon night? As my hand turned the ignition key, there were butterflies in my stomach. Yes, I was going to drive! It's been about a month since I've pushed a gas pedal, but Tom loaned me the suburban and Laura and I were off on an excursion. Handling the suburban was easy, I've been the road with big O. When it comes to size, I think big O wins.
The weather was horrid, we're really lucky to be off the bike. So we had a lazy morning, went out to the Oregon Trail museum, then to a bike shop to get another tube to replace the noise maker. Came back home to sit in the hot tub and listen to the wind howl and the clouds blow over.
Tomorrow we plan to leave Casper at about 9. Tom has a new bike he is going to ride with us for a ways, then we're on to Medicine Bow. He also is going to try the stoker position on big O for awhile to see what it's like. We have a reservation at motel there called the Virginian. It's got a lot of history, like shootings in the rooms and such. It's about 70 miles. The forecast is good, we'll see. I doubt if they have internet, so a blog tomorrow is questionable. I think it may be one of those places where they will make us tie up big O to the hitching post out front.
I LOVE reading your blog. You guys are amazing, but insane! I am really looking forward to seeing you next week and hearing more great stories. Hey, is Wyoming ever not windy?? I bet that hot tub felt like heaven on earth! See you soon - happy trails Mary
that video is hilarious.
i like seeing video from the bike. more like that please!
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