Like camel drivers in a Saharan sandstorm, we led big O up the hill. The crosswind had become so strong we couldn't ride. What happened before and after wasn't that bad, but it wasn't good.
Waking up at Tom's was the best part of the day, with coffee and cereal. Pam was home and we said hi for a second, then she went off to a board meeting. The weather had cleared, and according to Tom it was "breezy", even at 9 in the morning. On his new mountain bike, Tom rode with us for the first 25 miles, then up a big hill, where he turned around for home. Still not sure how the rest of his day went. He even took a turn as stoker, even though his knees were almost in his chest. After the hill, the road took a turn to the south, and the wind increased from the west. It quickly went from breezy to windy, even by Wyoming standards. Then the rain started, sometimes from clouds that looked about 25 miles west of us. The drops took that long to reach ground. We kept climbing hills and reached a high prairie that is called Shirley Basin, and Shirley can surely blow. Even with my tendency to exaggerate just a little, I can't describe how the wind started up. It was cold, rainy, and the wind blew so hard it kept pushing us into the rumble strip. I had to ride in the lane, and go between the zipper strips when a car or truck came by. Speed was about 4 or 5 mph, and we had over 20 miles to go.
We were at wit's end. At one point Laura suggested we lay down in the gully, just to get out of the wind, but how long would we have to stay? I saw a culvert, and we almost pulled in for cover, the weather ahead looked so black. And the wind just wouldn't let up. Sounds coming from behind me were like those you hear when girls ride roller coasters. On the aforementioned hill, we had no choice but to get off the bike and walk up,the gusts were blowing us over. It actually took two of us to hold onto it, Arnold couldn't have held onto it by himself. That was the low point, even camels would have had both eyelids closed. I threw one tantrum when I shifted to low gear and the chain came off. Of course you get grease all over your hands and the wipes were in the bag, which would have blown to Nebraska if it was opened. Laura was using creative language cursing the Wyoming wind and weather. Enough said, we felt like Arabs in a freak sandstorm. The mile markers went by agonizingly slow, and at times I felt like we'd have to spend the night out. We finally rode down a hill into Medicine Bow, in the rain, and looked for the Virginian.
Wyatt Earp would be comfortable in the Virginian. Named for the book, and famous for the phrase "when you call me that, smile", the Virginian bar looks like it did in 1889. Guns on display all over, pics of the old west, bios of all the old west outlaws on the walls. No computer, phone service, or shower. I haven't taken a bath in years, but when that's all there is... it felt marvelous. I soaked in the soapy water until I felt guilty about how long I had been in there. After all, it was a shared room, the entire 3rd floor used it. For $29, like Laura said, you get what you pay for. It was about 30 degrees out, and we had to steal a space heater to warm up, the radiator on the wall was colder than Jesse James' heart. We also borrowed an extra quilt and crawled into bed at ten, after a ride that day of 8.5 hours and 72 miles in the worst possible conditions. Neither of us signed up for a day like that, but Laura deserves a lot of credit for making it.
Over breakfast this morning we worried about the ride today and the weather. We left Medicine Bow at 8:30 dreading another windy day. The temp was under 40, and it was already "breezy". But the further we went, the better things got. It warmed up, and the wind turned into a tailwind. Afraid to say anything about the conditions, fearing a curse, I put on the Ipod and we cruised into Laramie at 12:15. That's 60 miles in just about 4 hrs, really good for us. Maybe our legs are getting in shape, more likely it's the tailwind. Tomorrow we will go on to Ft. Collins, about 60 miles, and hope to stay at Heather and John's house, which they have kindly loaned us even they aren't home. Thank you so much guys. In Laramie as I write, it's 46 degrees, and we feel a little like we missed summer. But we are warm in our room, about to watch the Belmont. Dora, sorry we couldn't get back to you, happy birthday, we won't mention how old, but you're just a youngster. All is well, and we will be in Colorado tomorrow.
You guys are moving fast! Maybe time is just moving fast! I cant believe you are already in CO! I made it back with the nanny now! Austin took very good care of Helen, taking her meds like a good kitty but still not liking her wet food. She is such a girl.....Cant wait to see you guys!
i can't believe you'll be in fort collins tomorrow! i'm thinking you guys may be excited to sleep in your own bed, etc etc. like horses back to the barn. you'll probably just skip fc and say fuck it, i want to see helenita and watch my hdtv.
now don't get soft, going to hawaii and everything. better get your ass back on that bike and head east. we'll be waiting.
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