When I walked into the Daylight Donut Cafe this morning, the geezers at the center table looked at me like I had arrived from Venus. That's the blue planet isn't it? Guess they had never seen a grown man in bright blue tights before. But they knew blue, cause they were all in their blue jeans, with plaid shirts, baseball caps with John Deere or the like on them, and that half shaven, I haven't seen anything except a cow in days look. Talking about guns, and crops. We had our pancakes and left Dubois at 8:15, with a glorious tailwind. The computer was fubar, but we estimated the first hour or two at about 20mph average. The sun was out, and anyone who has ridden a road bike on smooth pavement, over hill and dale with a tailwind and no traffic can understand what a thrill it gives you. We had lunch at a town called Washakie, on the Wind River Indian reservation. While eating outside on the picnic tables, Tonto and kimosabe rode up on two white horses. Actually it was a brave and maybe his sister or something. They tied up the horses and went inside to get a drink. We pulled into Lander Wy at 2:15, 75 miles in under 5hrs of riding, just a great day on the bike. We are absolutely basking in the sun here, after about 10 days with the penguins. With time to think today, I realized it has been a month since we left Denver, and 3 weeks since we have been on the road with no change of clothes. so here is the top ten list of goods and bads since the start. I won't even mention the small shower stalls where you can barely turn around, which caused my Venus razor to fail me. I cut myself shaving, and I don't like blood. My leg bled profusely.
Things I don't like: 1 Not having my own pillow 2 No newspaper in the morning 3 No good coffee 4 Headwinds 5 Cold 6 Not eating Laura's cooking 7 figuring out new shower each night 8 Dishrag towels 9 Broken bike computer 10 SORE ASS
Things I do like: 1Not doing dishes 2 Not buying gas 3 Not watching the Rockies lose 4 Stopping at unusual locations 5 Different beer every night 6 Downhills 7 Automatic weight loss program 8 Riding the bike 9 Writing the blog 10 Not listening to Curly say "Take twenty"!!!!! or tell me what to do EVER again.
We're going to Jeffry City tomorrow, another small Wyoming town, may not have internet, or cell, but they will have geezers at the cafe.
I think Larry has covered most of my likes and dislikes but I have to include that I don't like: traffic, motorists that honk and LARRY'S CROOKED HELMET....remember, that is a large part of my view. I will put a pic on tomorrow.
Love riding the bike, love stopping in all sorts places we would have just driven right through....
Hi to Mary D- nice to hear from you.
Mary DeGraw-St. C is still looking out for us
how ya doin Bone Crusher?
I'm thinking of you every day Amy, love you
You guys will enjoy the wide open spaces of Wyoming tomorrow.
Watch out for antelope on the highway--we hit one with our Suburban several years ago right outside of Jeffrey
City. Larry, as you leave Lander look to your right and the highest peak you see is Wind River Peak, the one you and Geno and I climbed about 15 years ago. See you in a few days. We have big showers with fluffy, soft towels.
dude, is it just me or are you taking a leak on that snow?
Hi guys, I am at work and the NWS guy says that you should get to CPR asap and then hole up until Friday. He says there is a Low Pressure that will sit there until then. Good luck. Unc Tim.
Hey! Those little mooses are called 'mooselets.' My zoo pals said they're extremely hard to housebreak. Don't feed them or they'll follow you across the country looking for more food. Don't name them either. They hate that.
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