Friday, June 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Tim 33

Not real easy to write these posts. Internet is spotty, so I have to put them into notes on the iPad and copy them in when I get a chance. And getting on long enough to post a picture on Facebook is tough, because we need a wireless connection for a longer time, which can be a challenge.

As bike time goes, we have actually been in the saddle for about seven hours each of the last two days. We've changed the angle of Laura's seat a couple of times, moved it back and forth a few more, lightened the pack, paid attention to stopping for breaks, and leaving early to avoid the heat. So we ride about 80 kilometers per day. With our trusty guide book consulted often, we are only lost for short, exciting stretches. 

The Donauradweg, as it is known here, is without any doubt the best bike tour ever. No autos, hills, wind, or tour de France wannabes running us over. Just pleasant bikers from around the world out to have a holiday. Cost? Well, this is Europe, where the euro is worth 1.5 dollars. It hurts the pocketbook, but I am going to bike heaven soon anyway where the dollar will be worth nothing. So it' easy for me to say now, after we have been siting in a weingarten for three or four hours, that it is a trip I will remember even in cycle nirvana.

Go to google maps and find Grein, Austria. Follow the Danube downstream and stop at Weissenkirchen. Notice all the vineyards along the Wachau valley. We have been drinking the product of those vines all evening. 

Laura here: Lisa ,you would appreciate this. We are at an Austrian winery and are well into the, no thoughts of dinner! We are not sure what we are drinking but we don't care!! What a setting : we are in a large garden with cream colored walls on three sides, flowers blooming everywhere, hedges, tall,overhanging trees; the birds are singing..

Enough of the bird chirping drivel.... But yeah, this town is the best one yet. Tomorrow it's on to Tulln, if we stick to our semi plan. The next night we will be in Vienna. Our Gausthaus hostess- Ann-Marie Heller- will let me use her connection to post this.....If I learn German overnight.... By tomorrow morning I will be the proud papa of a thirty three year old son. Wish I could give you a big Austrian bear hug Tim, but my skinny little arms won't reach that far.

We finally found a wireless network at a coffee shop! Ordered a beer instead but here goes the post to blog.


hopinjon said...

Annie wants you to know that the Bruins won the Stanley Cup!! Need a new Hat?

hopinjon said...

The riding sounds great. Are you making an itinery for the next trip? Tip one for me. Happy Birthday Tim. jh