Monday, June 27, 2011


A quick ferry ride across the river today and we rode down to Vac. Pronounced vats in Hungarian. Arrived in this little village about 2 pm, and spent about an hour quizzing the locals about the location of a bed. Our Hungarian has improved to the point to where we know one word. But that word changes, and under pressure it disappears. 

A shower and walk downtown improves the spirits, and a lucky Skype conversation with the kids and grandkids, mixed with multiple Hungarian beers at the zentro square completes a really nice day.

We had a gyro at a street shop for dinner, where I stumbled my way through the menu with sign language. That was painless, but when we got back to our hotel, I tried to chat up the desk clerk, who appeared to know English. I asked if she was married to the owner, who turned out to be her father. I asked if the kids running around earlier were hers, to which she said "What, do I look old enough to have those kids?" Uh..maybe not the 14 year old, but...uh...your dad could have married a much younger woman? " I'm his daughter," she says. I tried a few more charming remarks, but had to be bailed out by Laura. 

Riding a bike couldn't get a whole lot better though. Bike path almost all of the way. Farms, fruit trees, riverbank, Hungarian back yards, palisades and gauntlets of 200 year old trees, castles up on the hills. The rear wheel on Laura's bike is now so far from true I have had to release the brake to avoid rubbing. 

After a 24 hour interruption, we have made it to Budapest! Much to say about the wind up of the trip, but Internet is hard to come by so I will write another up to date post when I can. High fives to Laura.

1 comment:

Dora said...

Great update! Im LMAO about you chatting up the desk clerk - larry, good heavens you have a way with putting your foot in your mouth. Thank god you had laura to bail you out :) Was great chatting with you guys on Skype, so fun to catch up. Hurry back! xoxo D