Monday, August 17, 2009

Book Signing

Snail mail might have been more personal, but we challenged ourselves and mass emailed out the notice of our upcoming book signing. First the power point I made up couldn't be opened by some folks, others didn't get it at all somehow, and some had it but couldn't find it.

So Laura made up a new email that looked good on our computer, but came across scattered randomly on the page when some folks opened it up. We don't work with this stuff often enough to know what it's going to do, so I hope everyone can bear with us. 

For those loyal readers who remain out there in cyberspace but for whom I don't have any way to contact, here is the info on the book signing. We will be at the Gorilla Room, 5654 So. Price St., a fine establishment in Littleton, Co. alongside Big O to sign books at a discounted price on August 30, from 2-5 pm. The owner, "Honest Abe," will have beer specials and it's guaranteed that all will have a good time all afternoon. 

If you can't make it go to and order a book! Or it's on Amazon as well. That will really make our day complete.   

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