Uno, dos, tres. Laura had the I-pod out today, so there was mucho Spanish talk from the back as she listened to the language tapes. We had the continental breakfast at the Microtel in Brush, and left town at 8 am for the 95 mile ride to Julesburg esta dia. Dos bagels with peanut butter weren't enough, so we stopped in Sterling for food. After talking to a local, the solo place we could find was the Village Inn pancake casa. So we had brunch, and left at 11:30 for the next part of the day, which was 65 miles.
The road is flatter than the girls gymnastic team we are sending to Bejing, but even so it was hot and we had a cabeza viento. Both of us were feeling pretty used up when we arrived in Crook, about 20 miles later. There was a sign for a museo, so I turned down the camino and we looked. Crook is a one caballo town, unfortunately the horse is dead. We talked to some locals about how to get into the museum, one of which had a verde shirt on that said "stop looking at my shirt." There was a reason no one could stop looking at it, those were dos of the mas grande breasts ever made. We never did get into the museum, but we did find out that Crook is named for the famous general that chased Loco Horse all over Arizona back in the 1880's.
The next 45 miles were a blur, with no landmarks except the grain silos and negro vacas, which seemed to be everywhere. One poor cow looked like the "black sheep", but really it was the only brown vaca. Arriving in Julesburg was somewhat of a disappointment. We rode around looking for a room, or a diner, and couldn't find either. So we are out at the interstate junction, getting some real culture at the truck alto. As I write,it is raining gatos and dogs. I've got a cerveza that John and Ann Marie kindly brought, They are staying here tonight and John is riding with us to the lake. It's forty miles, we plan to leave at 7am. I am pretty sure there is no internet where we are going, so it looks like I will have blog withdrawals for the next couple of dias. Manana is another dia of riding, my butt is already sore from thinking about it. Sunburn is hard to stop, I've gone to wearing a bandana for my forehead and mucho sunscreen for the rest. My nose looks like bozo's. Adios amigos.
K Pasa, Good to hear from you last nightHope all went well on the final leg to the lake. Bone Crusher is still iffy about making the trek but for sure JJ an I will be there. I know short of a flat tire on the HD that I will be there anyway. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Hi guys! I'm so glad to have you guys blogging again. I was going to withdrawal, so much so I had to get in the habit again. I'm very happy to see all the pictures, they really bring the posts to life.
Did ya'll see that Tony Stewart is being released from JGR? Wonder who will pick him up!
Miss you guys.
I'm finally caught up on your journey. Hope the party is fab - sorry to miss it. I like the art. Susan
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