Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Bike is just about here

I emailed Kelvin the bike guru and he told us that the bike is coming in this week and he will build it next week. Then we'll go get it. I'd like to ride it home but that would be about 60 miles through traffic, not a good idea when we can't even stay on it. Tim is after me about making the blog more entertaining, especially with pics. When we get in our first wreck I'll be sure to post the photo. I'll post an itinerary of the trip asap, and if anyone has any friends, relatives, or even enemies along our route, we need places to stay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Larry and Laura how exciting I finally took the time to get on the website. Pretty cool. It will be fun witnessing your endeavor via the website. I will be givng Larry "Letti's music madness" to download to the I-phone. Hopefuly you will get the bike this week...Love you guys. Letti