Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Well well, sitting at work at midnight and decided to update the blog. Have become friends with a lady from Paraguay who will look at the blog from back there with students at her language school. Hope they comment some, it would be one way they could help their English along. No news on the bike, hasn't arrived yet, and with things around here in a winter death grip, no training is possible anyway. We have found a couple of ways to leave our house with someone in it, more as it works out. The democratic convention is in Denver this August, glad to be out of town for that. More time at the gym on the hamster wheel is about all that can be done.


Anonymous said...

Larry,My name is Jim and I work with brother Tim at ZLC. Did you ever consider a trailer behind your new whip, or is the additional length just too much?

Larry said...

I just don't like carrying or pulling anything when I'm riding. Don't even like to ride with clothes on, but that is a traffic hazard. We'll have a box with us that fits on the bike behind Laura, that's bad enough.