Friday, January 18, 2008

Tim, you are my hero, for actually commenting on the blog! We'll get these other folks to put in a little creative effort and participate yet. Upon the return from Mexico yesterday, it has come to my attention that I need to acquire one thing for this upcoming trip, a bike. Don't have it yet. And it's going to take some serious practice before we start. Riding the demo I had the feeling of being in an 18 wheeler and trying to make a u-turn on a narrow country road. Hope that goes away. Looks like we may just buy the one we want new. No luck finding anything used, and don't want to compromise on the quality, the one we want has everything going for it except price. I'm figuring to take it out of the kids inheritance.
Received the maps today from adventure cycling, so I will start looking at them with the object of finding out if we can do this without a tent at all for backup. Heard from a friend named Blake, who's done this before, that he averaged 55 miles/day, but there wasn't always a bed convenient. Have to think about that. I'm sure Laura won't mind a bivouac or two.


tim d said...

As your attorney, I must advise you that your first priority should be leaving a generous inheritance, preferably as liquid as possible. I took the liberty of locating a bike that better suits your true financial goals:

Tandem bike

tim d said...

See, the included rack makes it perfect for a cross-country trip.

Larry said...

You don't specialize in divorce law, I can see that. Because if you did you'd realize that your inheritance would be split in half when that bike caused the breakup. Nice rack.

Nic said...

Agree with tim, but believe i'm too late. Nic job getting the bike. You should take a digital picture of it and post it on the blog... There will plenty during the ride, I'm sure!