Saturday, February 23, 2008

Waiting for the Bike

The weather has been nice enough these days to ride, even though there is ice and snow in some of the shady spots. But the bike hasn't come in yet, so we are waiting for a call from Kelvin in Woodland park. Laura swears she ordered the bike, so we're going with that. Once it comes, we'll be out at Washington Park, weaving like drunks. The road there is really wide, but also crowded with dogs on 20 foot leashes, rollerbladers, and joggers. We're bound to hit something, and with the clip in pedals we'll still be attached to the bike when it lands on top of us.
Looks like Laura is warming up to the idea of sticking with the route from Astoria to Denver, even though it is longer than she thought. And I checked into a GPS unit last week, but they are not really designed for what we need, so I'm not going to waste my time with it. But it does look like an I-phone is in my future, it has alot of what we need for the trip and my phone died besides. So until something else happens we are sitting around waiting. With the Democratic convention coming to town next summer while we're gone, we have contacted Hillary's people about renting our house while they're in town. No response yet.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

New Route?

While going over the maps the other day, Laura noticed that the route we are taking from Oregon to Denver was about 2000 miles on the mapped route. Needless to say, this caused much apprehension since she thought it was only going to be about 1200. Wonder how she got the wrong info? Now we have to look at alternatives, the dates are set, so looks like shortening the route is the only option. We only really want to have to average 50 miles/day. So we'll see.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Looks like maybe some people are reading from Salt Lake, thanks for the interest. Most of you are from the Northwest somewhere, I need advice on how the weather is from the 15th of May going into summer. Are we going to end up like the Donner party? We're starting in Astoria, Oregon and going east to Bozeman, the south through Yellowstone. I'm thinking there are generally tailwinds, right? And no snow. Please confirm.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Well well, sitting at work at midnight and decided to update the blog. Have become friends with a lady from Paraguay who will look at the blog from back there with students at her language school. Hope they comment some, it would be one way they could help their English along. No news on the bike, hasn't arrived yet, and with things around here in a winter death grip, no training is possible anyway. We have found a couple of ways to leave our house with someone in it, more as it works out. The democratic convention is in Denver this August, glad to be out of town for that. More time at the gym on the hamster wheel is about all that can be done.